Pieces for Peace

Pieces for Peace

Our motto “Pieces for Peace” has a very special meaning for us: we would like to provide help for self-help and support very special aid projects. For that we are looking for organizations that make us speechless and touch us.
In addition, we are always bringing charity jewellery on the market, which we are developing with a lot of passion for extraordinary projects.

With each purchase of an Anisch de la Cara product, you also support these projects.

Dry Lands Project e.V.

Every girl has the right to a self-determined life!

>>> With our monthly contribution, we support Linus and Julia in their work so that the girls can process their partial traumatic experiences from the past and enjoy their childhood again.

"In addition, we created the "Wings of Hope" collection for the girls. The charity bracelet is made of wonderful saris. An angel pendant represents the helpers with heart in this world. An "extra" wing symbolizes the help every single one of us can afford.

25% of each bracelet sold goes to the Angels Home for Children. ♥
Anisch de la Cara

Back to Life e.V.

The forgotten people of the Himalayas

Stella Deetjen is an extraordinary woman and her story has impressed us greatly. As the founder of Back to Life, she has been supporting the improvement of the living conditions of the needy and the most vulnerable in India since 1996 and in Nepal since 2009.


The project villages in Nepal, in which Stella Deetjen provides ambitious help for self-help, are situated on the outskirts of the Himalayas, on the border with Tibet. Mugu is one of the poorest areas in the world. It has a long history: it is situated on the former pilgrimage route from India to the sacred Mount Kailash in Tibet. Once numerous pilgrims brought with them trading goods, many traders were travelling between Tibet, Nepal and India and ensured a good life for the people of this region. But when the border with Tibet was closed, the great poverty came.

The mothers’ and infant mortality rate in Mugu is one of the highest in the world. Living conditions such as hundreds of years ago, food shortages and other shortages, poverty, the hardest physical work, and the drought threaten the lives of women and newborns.

No less than a revolution: The birth houses for Mugus women
The idea of Stella and her team to erect birthplaces is a real success story:
Meanwhile, many “Back to Life babies” saw the light of the world.

>>> With our birthplace sponsorship, we support this unique, life-giving institution.

"From the heart, we would like to support all the wonderful projects of Stella Deetjen. Let's start with the first step. "
Anisch de la Cara

Peter Maffay Foundation

Shelters for disadvantaged children and young people

The Peter Maffay Foundation enables sick, traumatized and disadvantaged children and adolescents to experience therapeutic experiences at their facilities in Romania, Spain and Germany.

The children should be able to draw strength, let their souls dangle and find a positive look forward again.

>>> With this sponsorship, we support this wonderful work.

"The future is in the hands of the children. So let us ensure a good future for the children."
Anisch de la Cara